
The series Downtown Corrida by French photographer Alban Lecuyer is a visual narrative on how cities change as time go by. Through photomontages, Lecuyer shows images of Hausmannian-style buildings in the process of being demolished, stitching them against a background of modern high-rises and curious

“Downtown Corrida” on the Artblog

ART FROM THE UNDERGROUND by Matthew Rose, November 16, 2017 The Bibliothèque Nationale de France launched an exhibition of photographs of French Paysages (landscapes) with compelling full on images promoting the exhibition. Alban Lécuyer’s photo of people watching a controlled explosion of a house in Nantes stopped


L’affiche - une photographie de Cyrille Weiner prise à Nanterre - résume notre vision du paysage contemporain : une ville tentaculaire qui grignote l’horizon et une nature qui se réduit sous ce rouleau compresseur. A la BNF François-Mitterrand (Paris XIIIe), les 167 photographes de «Paysages